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Comprehensive Care Overview

Guided Care+ Services

Guided Care+ combines Chronic Care Management, Remote Patient Monitoring, and Behavioral Health Integration into a seamless approach of care for patients with two or more chronic conditions. This holistic approach simplifies healthcare coordination, prioritizes mental well-being, and offers a proactive, all-in-one approach to managing your health, ensuring every aspect of your care is interconnected and personalized to your life.

Chronic Care Management

Guided Care+ offers Chronic Care Management to proactively manage chronic conditions. Starting with a comprehensive health assessment, we craft evolving care plans, monitor health, reconcile medications, and ensure seamless provider coordination. Our approach includes preventive screenings and educational resources for informed self-care. We facilitate care transitions and link to community resources, aiming to minimize hospital visits and improve quality of life. This continuous support empowers you with the tools and support for effective health management, ensuring peace of mind.

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Remote Patient Monitoring

Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) by Guided Care+ is designed to keep you connected with your care team from the comfort of your home. Utilizing the latest in health technology, we track vital health data in real-time, allowing for prompt adjustments to treatment as needed. This vigilant monitoring leads to early detection of potential health issues, reducing emergency visits, and ensuring your care plan is always one step ahead. With RPM, you gain the freedom to live life with fewer disruptions and better health outcomes.

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Behavioral Health

Understanding the deep connection between mental and physical health, our team offers counseling, therapy, and coordinated care with your healthcare providers to ensure a holistic approach to wellness. This service is designed to help manage stress, anxiety, depression, and other mental health conditions that often accompany chronic illnesses, aiming to improve your overall quality of life and provide a strong support system for both your mental and emotional needs.

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Palliative Care

Palliative Care is centered around providing relief from the symptoms and stress of serious illness. Our goal is to improve quality of life for both patients and the family. We offer a supportive layer of care that works alongside curative treatments, addressing pain, discomfort, and the emotional aspects of dealing with chronic conditions. Through compassionate communication and tailored care strategies, our palliative care ensures that comfort and dignity remain at the forefront of your healthcare experience.

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Advanced Care Planning

Advanced Care Planning within Guided Care+ ensures your healthcare preferences are known and respected, even when you may not be able to voice them. Our team assists you in making informed decisions about future health scenarios and end-of-life care, documenting your wishes and discussing them with your family and healthcare providers. This proactive approach provides peace of mind, knowing that your values and choices will guide your healthcare journey at every step of the way.

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Care Coordination

Care Coordination in Guided Care+ is the connective tissue that brings together all aspects of your healthcare. By ensuring clear communication between your doctors, specialists, and caregivers, we create a synchronized care experience. This seamless integration minimizes repetitive procedures and maximizes the efficacy of your treatment plan. Our dedicated coordinators act as your advocates, navigating the healthcare system to streamline your journey and ensure that you receive the comprehensive care you deserve, every step of the way.

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Medical Specialties Guidance and Oversight

Our Medical Specialties Guidance and Oversight service provides expert consultation across a broad range of medical fields. We connect you with top specialists for your specific health conditions, ensuring that you receive the best possible advice and care. Our oversight ensures that all specialty care recommendations are fully integrated into your overall health plan, providing a cohesive approach to your treatment. This expert guidance is crucial for informed decision-making and achieving the best health outcomes, as we oversee and coordinate every aspect of your specialized care needs.

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Medication Management

Medication Management and Oversight ensures that your medication regimen is safe, effective, and tailored to your unique health needs. Our team meticulously reviews your prescriptions to prevent interactions, manage dosages, and coordinate refills, all while keeping clear communication with your healthcare providers. This oversight not only optimizes your treatment but also alleviates the stress of managing multiple medications, giving you the confidence and clarity to focus on your well-being.

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Guided Care+ Team

Feel Supported with Your
Guided Care+ Team

The Guided Care+ multidisciplinary team is your partner in whole health, offering a synergy of expertise for a well-rounded approach to chronic care management.
Every member of our team plays a pivotal role in delivering you personalized care for holistic well-being. Our collaborative approach ensures that you have a cohesive team supporting you every step of the way, providing care that’s as unique as you are.

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